Let's Talk
Brink’s Monitoring Plus (BM+). Theft Prevention Security System.
In the event of an intrusion, Βrink’s Monitoring Plus (BM+) security system sends out an impenetrable fog wall that instantly covers the space forcing the thief to flee. The system activates a notification to the BRINK’S reception center, which notifies the police immediately. The fog produced is completely harmless to humans and objects in space as well as in the environment; it is removed by natural ventilation.
- Selective target audience (businesses and retailers)
- Inform customers regarding the new service (new service-new segment, without searching!)
- Educate customers on this new service (When is it activated?- How does it work?- Is the emitted smoke harmful? etc.)
- High acquisition rate of 39€/month, with a 3-year minimum contract and an average buying value of 1.400€!
- Total available Media budget of 15000€ (10.000€ online + 5.000€ offline)
We effectively combined online with offline media such as PR activations for news broadcast. The result was to enhance the service’s awareness in no time, which contributed in creating a basis for performance marketing with a positive ROI.
Step 1: Awareness Phase
Service launch via traditional popular media (tv and newpapers) that also act as a primary choice of our main audience. We chose to promote success stories of theft preventions (stories from jewelry store and famous supermarket chain)
Αnt1 News > https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u_0ixhgsEsI
Epsilon News > https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RMRXiGIkzRc
*Before going on air on TV News & Publishers we had already developed a Google Search Branded Terms Campaign and relevant remarketing lists through analytics. Our intention was to capitalize on the traffic peak caused by the stories published.
Along with the traditional media focus we increased the reach and virality of our case studies, through online ads.
FB Video & Post Ads
YouTube Video Ads
Google Display Ads
Step 2: Performance Phase
During the next 2,5 months we ran performance campaigns, based on remarketing campaigns. We mainly targeted engaged audiences that were built through analytics and Facebook ad manager, throughout the phase of Awareness.
Facebook page engaged
Fb Video viewers (video watches at 50% & 100%)
Landing page visits (non converters)
ΥοuTube video viewers
Similar audiences & Lookalike audiences for the converters of awareness phase
Μedia Mix
FB Video, Image Ads & Lead Ads
YouTube Video Ads (Instream –Bumper Ads)
Google Search & Display Ads
Linkedin Ads
Our strategy and campaigns were a big success and we were happy to see:
> 920 goal completions (landing page views >2’ calls, form submission, Fb lead forms & Fb Messages) during 3 months and cost per conversions <15€
> Our social campaign scored over 3Μ Impressions with 1.1Μ Unique Reach and at the same time a high View Rate (27%)!